Forthcoming Concerts
The next concert will be on Saturday 10th May 2025.
The programme will include a performance of
Rossini's Petite Messe Solenelle,
7:30 at St Peter’s Church, Fleetwood
The Summer Concert will be on
Friday 4th July
Further details to follow

Would you like to come and sing with us?
Come along and see what we do and who we are!!
All voices welcome and no audition required.
Practices take place on Friday evenings 7:30 – 9:30
at Trinity Baptist Church, Poulton Rd, Fleetwood, FY7 7AW.
We meet from September to June and the fees are £100 split into two payments of £50 in September and £50 in January.
Full time students are FREE.
Payment may be spread for convenience, please complete the information below.