Thank you to all members who came along to sing carols at the North Euston and the Cala Gran.
We have had great feedback and our efforts were much appreciated by everyone.
Dates for your diary
No Rehearsal
Friday 18th April (Good Friday)
Saturday 10th May
Rossini's Petite Messe Solenelle
7:30 at St Peter’s Church, Fleetwood
Summer Concert
Friday 4th July
December Concert
Saturday 6th December

Aims and Objectives of the Choral Society
To perform four or more choral concerts per year in the area.
To offer training in choral singing whilst exploring a wide repertoire of choral music
and promoting the appreciation and enjoyment of singing.
To perform concerts which involve and promote the best possible soloists and orchestras
within financial resources, including providing opportunities for new talent.
To explore ways of extending membership and reaching new audiences.
To raise funds to finance these activities from subscriptions, ticket sales, donations and other promotions.
Throughout the year rehearsals are on
Fridays at 7.30 – 9.30 pm
at Trinity Baptist Church, 206 Poulton Road, Fleetwood, FY7 7LB
In order that rehearsals run smoothly and efficiently, choir members are respectfully reminded to remain silent while the conductor is practising with other vocal parts. Always have a pencil to hand and mark your score when indicated by the Music Director. The last rehearsal before a concert is held at the venue of the concert.
Vocal Scores
All music required is provided by the choir. It is handed out by the librarians and must be returned in good condition to the librarians when requested.
Where music has to be hired a small charge will be required to cover the costs.

Dress Code for concerts
Black long skirt or trousers
Black shoes
Black top / blouse, ¾ or long sleeves
Black handbag if used
No sparkly tops or sparkly jewellery
Black suits
White shirt
Black bow tie
The present subscription is
£50 per term
Fees should preferably be paid by bank transfer or if paid by cheque, it is to be made out to Fleetwood and District Choral Society. Subs can also be paid on a monthly or weekly basis if preferred. Full time students are free. Methods of payment can be discussed at rehearsal with any member of the committee.
Members are encouraged to sign a Gift Aid form if they currently pay Income Tax.
Social Events
We hold a number of fundraising events throughout the year. We have an active Social Committee who are always open to new ideas for fundraising.